Our Advertising
We Take Advertising Seriously
Guys hate going to the Doctor. It’s a fact. No man likes to admit he’s having trouble in the bedroom but at least half of all men will suffer from Sexual Health issues at some point in their lives. It is extremely important to get help not only because Sexual issues affect relationships but also because conditions like Erectile Dysfunction can be an indicator of other serious health problems. Over the past several years, Wave Men’s Health providers have discovered cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other medical issues that had been previously undiagnosed. In our experience, we’ve found that men who first visit us often haven’t been to a doctor in years.
We take Advertising seriously. Our marketing is implemented to assist in removing the stigma commonly associated with Sexual Health issues and to build a bridge for men to get the help they need, whether at Wave Men’s Health or somewhere else.
Our Marketing team strives to strike the delicate balance of being professional but also attracting patients in different ways. From a medical perspective, Sexual Health is no laughing matter, but sometimes by utilizing light-hearted ads we can get a point across in a unique way to promote the knowledge that seeking help isn’t hard or embarrassing. In certain advertisements, we may attempt humor (sometimes it’s funny and sometimes we miss the mark) but we never want to downplay the importance of a medical issue. We understand that men with Erectile Dysfunction feel vulnerable and we want to do everything in our power to make the experience comfortable and light-hearted while providing professional treatment in a serious manner.
Our advertising pledge to you:
Ready To Get Started? Have Questions? Book Your Consultation Today At Our Pensacola Clinic!
- We will only make claims we can back up with evidence in medical literature or studies
- When we attempt “Dad-Humor” in our ads we will give Sexual Health the respect it deserves
- We welcome constructive feedback from anyone who has read, listened to, or watched an advertisement
- If we find a way to advertise more effectively, truthfully, or professionally we will make the appropriate changes as soon as possible.
- We will continue the fight to remove any stigma associated with having Sexual Health problems
- If a potential patient has questions or concerns about a specific claim or advertisement, a staff member can be reached for clarification
The purpose of this section is to display our current ads and explain the statements we use for 100% transparency and honesty. If you have concerns about a particular ad or have questions about a study, link, or statement, please email us at info@wavemenshealth.com.
- Through a 4-year study, we know that alprostadil (PGE) has a 90 to 96.3% success rate, and Tri-mix is at least as efficacious as alprostadil is (Kohler, McVary).
- Tri-mix works 94% of the time when used by the patient. It has an 87% to 93.5% satisfaction rate for patients, and an 86% to 90.3% satisfaction range for partners. Plus, the treatment has been shown to have a positive correlation with improved self-esteem and a better partner relationship (Hatzichristou, Hatzimouratidis).
- Tri-mix has a 92% success rate (Carson, Kirby, Goldstein, Wylie).
- Only about 30% of people refill Viagra after one year of treatment.
At Wave Men’s Health, we’d like you to find out what it feels like to get your sex life back, renew your confidence, and reignite your relationship.
Wave Men's Health of Pensacola
- (850) 266-7020
- info@wavemenshealth.com
- 220 West Garden St, Suite 506
- Pensacola, FL 32502
- Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
- (Closed Sat & Sun)
- Walk-ins Welcome
This website is for informational purposes only and is not designed to provide medical advice. All information presented is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. An individual patient’s results to the treatments described in this website may vary. Do not rely on this website to diagnose or treat any medical condition. If you have a medical emergency, call emergency services, your doctor, and/or go to a hospital immediately. BY ACCESSING AND USING THIS WEBSITE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE FULLY READ AND AGREE TO ACCEPT EACH OF THE TERMS OF USE SET FORTH HEREIN.